Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Anonymous said...

Why is family therapy so important cant the gambler just stop?

Anonymous said...

You should take the whole staff, and paitients and go to Lebanon Downs race track in ohio so you can watch a real compulsive gambler bet on horses an see the destruction it causes. The most famous compulsive gambler of all will be there betting Art Schiltzer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Iam sorry to hear that Mr. Cabiness has spent so much money for this facility.But befroe you try to open a facility like this you should take the proper measures in getting zoning.Iam a neighbor and do not want this facility near me or where my kids live.You have lost the trust of the community now and I think it would be in your best interest to move the facility to a place like new jersey or nevada where they could really you use service.The assumption that you could open this facility with out proper zoning mistifies me and my neighbors. So Mr. Cabiness pack up and move and let us live in peace without the worry of your addicts near us.

Anonymous said...

wow sounds like someone is disturbed or could it be just because of fear.. I think it is wonderful that this so called Mr. Cabiness has opened such a place. Sounds like he knows what gamblers need and maybe you concerned neighbor need to be come educated as well. im really glad someone has stepped up to the plate and giving back to a community and started helping those that have positons in communities and not just looking for free treatment from the goverment. WAY TO GO WILLIAMSVILLE. I look forward to watching you grow by leaps and bounds. My eyes are on ya big guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey can anyone tell me why people just keep on gambling losing everything? is this like alochol or drug addiction?

Anonymous said...

The "concerned neighbor" must have no decency, no concern for your fellow man, and no insight as to what it means to do something to help others. I ran across this website browsing to help a friend. I am always amazed how some people like the "concerned neighbor" can be so shallow. Stupid stupid stupid.

Anonymous said...

Its seems to me there should be more of these facilities nation wide. Thank you Bob Cabiness for moving a big step forward into helping others recover.

Anonymous said...

Its seems to me there should be more of these facilities nation wide. Thank you Bob Cabiness for moving a big step forward into helping others recover.

Anonymous said...

Compulsive Gambling destroys the individual on every level. It takes away their ability to reason. It devastates families and friends. A compulsive gambler is more likely to committ suicide than any other addiction illness. Williamsville Wellness instills hope and recovery. It changed my life and really helped me to discover who I am. The intensive and healing treatment gave me a new beginning. It is located in an atmosphere that allows you to grow on every level. If anyone you love or even you need help with this serious illness; just pick up the phone or send an email. If you find yourself like I did and think life is over, it really is not. You can recover.

Anonymous said...

This comment is for the people who don,t understand addiction and want to judge people they don,t even know.I used to sound just like you, before I,became addicted to gambling.I,m a very good person with a very nice family,but I have a disease,that no one understands including myself.I always thought I was so perfect,and why couldn't everyone else live right(BY MY STANDARDS)I THINK I WAS GIVEN THIS AWFUL DISEASE BECAUSE I THOUGHT LIKE YOU.I hope you or no one close to you becomes ill with an addiction.Most people who would go to this faciliy are good people,wanting to change their lives and become whole again,so think about someone else besides yourself.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to life after my future stay at Williamsville Wellness. I have so much more to offer the people I love than what I'm delivering now. I help my clients to make millions on highly effective advertising campaigns, yet I sleep on an air mattress and eat once a day because I am drawn to the horses like a moth to a flame.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the "concerned neighbor." Those of you who do gamble, do not judge this neighbor as evil. A persons home is his refuge and his only haven on earth. He chooses a place where he can rest and have peace of mind. Home is here the heart is, and we all deserve a place we each call home. This neighbor, who is apparently a nongambler, has every right to ask Mr. Cabiness to observe and respect the zoning laws. They are there for a purpose. If not, you could very well have a horse race track right in your own back yard. Wanting a place where her children can roam freely does not make her evil.

Anonymous said...

Williamsville is a wonderful place. Mr. Cabaniss is a wonderful man. Out of the goodness of his heart he is hoping to give the gambler and their families their life back. I truly understand the neighbor’s confusion on gamblers. I truly wish she could understand they are wonderful people…They just need help. They are not drug attics or thefts.
They are everyday folks like you and I.

adamgilcrist said...

Gambling surely diverts your life towards hell its my experience.

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Anonymous said...

knowledge is dangerest the more you know the less you do about the problem I am a profesinal in the field for 25 yrs.need help

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really nice thing that this man is doing for our fellow men and women out there.If there was no place for these people to go,who or what would happen to them. They are people just like you and I.Just wanted to say keep up the good work and GOD BLESS each and everyone involved.