Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Williamsville Wellness...
Licensed, Scholarships, Individualized Treatment
You can't treat compulsive gambling in a better setting.

Williamsville Wellness is a unique residential treatment center designed exclusively for men and women suffering from the effects of compulsive gambling. It is our conviction that problem gambling started when it was used to seek relief from the many underlying issues in their lives. The problems needed a solution, and the “solution” itself became a problem. Our treatment philosophy is that the roots of the gambling problems require identification so that they can be treated leading to recovery. Abstinence from the grips of this gambling addiction and a wholeness of the person leads to serenity and an enhanced quality of life.For this process, a totally individualized treatment plan is developed for each Williamsville Wellness client. Each compulsive gambling client receives intensive, individualized therapy: as many as 65 or more one-on-one sessions during the course of a one-month program. The treatment plan is designed with the compulsive gambler and for the compulsive gambler, and of course, this includes family members. The client has the addiction, but the addiction hurts many others, especially family members. Williamsville Wellness treatment requires that significant family members also participate in the program. They have been hurt, may be angry, fearful of the future or suffer from depression. They may have enabled the gambling. They need to understand the illness, and they need to learn how to be part of the recovery effort. Family members will have individual therapy sessions with our treatment team as needed.Williamsville Wellness is proud of its comprehensive treatment team consisting of leaders and specialists in their fields: psychologists, family therapists, addictions counselors, and of course, those who’ve walked the line, the peer counselors. These counselors understand and they know how to treat this psychiatric disorder called compulsive gambling or gambling addiction.


nongambler said...

"Williamsville Wellness has been licensed by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services to treat addicted gamblers at Williamsville. Our facility will be operated in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. It is our belief that Williamsville's tranquil setting offers an ideal setting for our patients to find a change of pace, which will add to the effective treatment process. We have worked hard to attract a group of well-trained staff members to treat our patients. The quality staff and the the peaceful setting will result in Williamsville Wellness being a first-class treatment facility.

Williamsville and the surrounding property have been in the Cabaniss family for over forty-five years. We are confident that Williamsville Wellness will be a good neighbor in our area; otherwise, we would not locate the facility in the middle of our property."

Anonymous said...

Should I get a psychotherapeutic consult first? Will I have a substantial finsancial commitment? I have kaiser Permeaente insuranance. will that cover it. My ganmbling has cost ohly time, not money. Is that considred? thank you

Anonymous said...

Williamsville Wellness's staff will do an evaluation/assessment during your first week here. We will help get the maximum amount possible from your insurance; we have an expert in the field to help with that process.
If your gambling has just taken time and not money the question should be do you obsess over gambling and does it hurt you in other ways. Gambling can take many forms as can the addiction. A call to 877-599-9355 will allow the staff to see if you need residential treatment.

Anonymous said...

what do i do i have four kids at home my husband is gone alot to the race tracks and casinos he borrowed 400 dollars and on payday he says he has no money he has to pay what he owes hes probably using credit cards i dont know what to doi need a job

Anonymous said...

My name is Paul. I just finished my treatment at Williamsville Wellness. I flew home to California just two days ago.A few weeks ago my family did an intervention to help me stop gambling. I was at my wits end. I had lost my job after 15 years and had to move in with my sister. All because of compulsive gambling. Even after I moved in with her I started gambling my unemployment checks and not paying my bills. At my sisters request, everyone in my family searched for an in patient treatment center for me. They all called each other back after finding and talking to the staff at Williamsville Wellness. I arrived there on January 27th. of 2008.

I really had a great experience at Williamsville. It is a treatment center like no other. Bob Cannibness was a compulsive gambler himself, he understands us and our pain. He has put together a top notch staff of several therapists.

Five days a week you have one on one therapy and group therapy. They attack your gambling problem from several angles and give you the tools necessary to overcome your addiction. Family is welcome to visit and encouraged to participate in therapy with you as needed. It is a relaxing and healing environment. The staff is very caring. Meals are out of this world, cooked by their chef.

I went there ready to give up on life and now I am excited to be home and living again as a happy non gambler. I have may challenges to overcome as I rebuild my life after the destruction of compulsive gambling. Williamsville has given me the confidence to tackle them head on one day at a time with a life plan, short and long term.

Compulsive gambling is a disease and they understand that, its all they do. I encourage you to call and speak to Bob, Art or Annette if your life is out of control due to gambling. They really can help you. Here is my personal cell number, feel free to call me if you have any questions 831 233 2109.
Paul O.

Anonymous said...

what does this treatment cost?

Anonymous said...

Very curious to know how much the the treatment program costs.

A grateful former patient said...

As the lucky beneficiary of a 5 week stay at Williamsville Wellness I can only give the staff there the highest recommendation.The incredible insights you are exposed to allow you the opportunity to embrace the changes in your life that are necessary for you to "save your life" and bring serenity and joy into your world.Yes it is expensive,but aren't you and your family worth it?

Anonymous said...

Drug addiction ,very danger to your life so immediately get treatment.



Addiction treatment and recovery resources for the addict and their families. http://www.addictiontreatment.net

Anonymous said...

I feel as if ,I live to gamble .i lay in bed picturing the slots in my head.I have learned that it is no such thing as winning at gambeling,the only winning is not gambeling.i was at the casino today after losing 1300.00 in one machine,as soon as i got up a lady set down and started winning like crazy, my immediate thought was gambeling is blood money.one gives and sacrificies all he has for another to take it.any way every time i go , i always say that is it ,i will never go back. the next thing you know is i am back at the casino. i cannot afford treatment.i need halp so bad, it hurts so deep in side that i cannot stop,, if you can help or advise me , please do not hesitate to email me, wbridges@mchsi.com thanks

Anonymous said...

Willimasville Wellness Center helped me to get back on the road of recovery from my compulsive gambling. I had quit for three years and then returned to gambling and got deeper and deeper into debt. Finding Williamsville Wellness Center was a God-send. I finished my treatment May 7, 2008.The therapists there are terrific and very caring about you as a person. Their focus is upon helping you get the treatment you need to get on the road of recovery. I am very thankful for Bob and his vision to help fellow gamblers to have a better way of life. He has invested himself into this Wellness Center so compulsive gamblers can receive the best treatment available form a wholistic health focus. It is definitely worth the money. Bob is willing to work with you so you can get the help you need. I can't say enough god things about Williamsville Wellness Center, the therapists, the location, the support staff, and Bob himself. They are great individuals for your healing and support and a great place for getting away from the fast-lane of life. I highly recommend your consideration of this treatment center.
Vern O

Anonymous said...

I don't know where to begin. I keep going in a circle and the circle is closing and closing fast. Desperate for help want help want to stop have to stop but have no money to get the help I need even though I have a very nice job. I live paycheck to paycheck and when pay day comes because I'm so depressed about my situation and what I have done to myself and my family I sneak to the casino and proceed to loose everything making my circle even smaller than it was this morning. I can't go on and I don't know what to do. I keep trying to figure out why I do this. I don't know how to make it stop. My head is fuzzy at this moment because I didn't go to work today so that I could go play slots in hopes that I could make things better instead once again I have made it worse. I lie and I hate lying. I manuever things around and now have no room to manuever. I just want it to end. I obtained a form today to have myself banned from the casino. I was there about ready to end it all and the irony was that I had to take the form complete it notorize it and bring it back in person with an ID. I don't want to go back. I wanted to ban myself so that when things go wrong I want use that dreadful place as my place of escape. Here I am back to the beginning. I am going to complete and notrize the form. It really showed me how they don't care at all about me or anyone else that finds themself in that horrible situation of nothing to live for. Williamsville Wellness sounds like the type of therapy I need. I went to a therapist she so did not get the addiction of gambling. I left more depressed and wanting to gamble more than ever since she found my problem to be so ridiculus. It is difficult to find someone who doesn't judge you for doing something that appears and seems so stupid and so easy to stop yet it is appears to truly be impossible for me. I want to stop. I wanted to leave today from the casiino and found it totally impposible until I was at that very dsperate state of not being able to move yet wanting to go so bad you could explode. I don't know what to do or how to proceed. I want to pay my bills yet I don't have the money and of course I have so ruined my credit that I can't get the help either. I don't know what to do or how to move forward. I want to understand why me why this addiction. Is it possible to get over this? If so, how?

Anonymous said...

Having spent 5 weeks at Williamsville I feel I can honestly tell you that Williamsville can save your life!!It won't be easy,but you will receive the type of "total approach"that has the best chance of success.Its costly,but how much have you lost already,how much is your life worth?

Anonymous said...

wow where to start.i am in trouble i have been a winner a few times this keep me thinking i am going to be the big winner someday,but now i am in a situation again my husband has forgiving me for GAMBLING I've been gambling for the past 7 years i have not been truthful to him i still gamble when i can sneek it and i have screwed up our lives. I have 3 college age children and i can kill myself for not giving the money to them for college. they all struggle with 2 jobs and i blew anyhelp i could give them. now there is none left. Iam a looser and i see people winning all the time i just cant stop thinking one day that will be me I loose sleep and think of this gambling all day. I use to work at a casino"indian" and I fell and hurt my hip very badly i had to quit my job and the workman comp dr..said people in russia work with my pain and that was it i am now unemployed and my husband is working in 110o weather 12 hour a day to pay our bills and i just keep waisting it on the slots. he took all means of money away from me but i have opened credit cards and did cash advances at 25% intrest rates now im in such a mess i dont know what to do. My husband if he finds out will kill our marriage and i am very afraid. I check the mail everyday to keep him in the dark but the guilt is killing me he is so much in love with me and he changes to mr hyde when he finds out i pissed away his money.is there any hope for me i live too close to many casinos HELP ME PLEASE....

A grateful former patient said...

Been there,done that.Nothing can begin to get better until you get help;and Williamsville can give you hope and help.I've been through their program and I still believe I am alive today because of the help I got there.Quit pissing around and get there.

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Anonymous said...

A lot of hype for nothing